SQL Account - SQL Account Advance Security
10 Nov 2022
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Dear Valued Customer,
If you want to protect your data and make it more safe, SQL Accounting can provide the best choices for you.
You can now have double layer access control on what they can do on SQL Accounting. For example, users whom you granted them access right in cash book entry for recording expenses transactions, but you also wish to “hide of” transactions with sensitive keyword , like ‘Director fees’ or ‘bonus’ etc from them.
For more information, kindly contact us at 03-80768188 or email us at info@eistsystem.com.
If you want to protect your data and make it more safe, SQL Accounting can provide the best choices for you.
You can now have double layer access control on what they can do on SQL Accounting. For example, users whom you granted them access right in cash book entry for recording expenses transactions, but you also wish to “hide of” transactions with sensitive keyword , like ‘Director fees’ or ‘bonus’ etc from them.
For more information, kindly contact us at 03-80768188 or email us at info@eistsystem.com.